Hot Desking Advantages and Disadvantages

Hot desking is currently a buzzword in the business community. As more companies are determined to demonstrate to employees and the outside world that they are flexible and modern, hot desking is gaining popularity.

Having a more adaptable working environment that gives more opportunity for the team can boost morale and be beneficial for projects, dependent on the type of work completed. Traditional workspaces can be limiting but there is also a reason why they have worked for so long. Today we are exploring hot desking advantages and disadvantages within the workplace.

How does hot-desking work? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of hot desking? Essentially you have the freedom to use a space to work without being tied to a specific area of the same desk every day. No need to commit to one area of real estate!

Often hot-deskers use a laptop to allow them to move at will. In an office environment, if you needed a day of quiet work you could find a more private space. For team collaborations, you and the other team members could find a table and sit together.

Hot desking is also great for freelancers and self-employed workers as it allows them to have the freedom to use a space to work without being tied to an office. Working alone can sometimes be isolating, so hot-desking provides the perfect opportunity to meet other industry experts, network and make connections. Here’s what you need to know: the hot-desking pros and cons!

Hot desking advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of Hot-Desking

As time goes on, the idea of the traditional working environment is becoming more obsolete. Employees want to work somewhere which is flexible and allows them to work in their own style. This kind of work environment is rising in popularity, particularly in creative agencies where team members often collaborate on projects and thrive from communication. There are plenty of reasons why hot-desking can and should be utilised in a coworking space.


Hot-desking can prove to be very economical as it saves on space. Some companies choose to have a policy of working from home on some days and coming into a hired office space on others, preferably for working on team projects. This can save money on renting a permanent space and allow employees to enjoy a more flexible environment.

A happy team tend to be more loyal and hardworking which is another benefit for the company. Even in a permanent office space, often employees are on annual leave or out of the office in meetings. Essentially their desk space is wasted. Many businesses are now choosing to utilise the space with hot-desking.

Valuable for Teamwork

Having the ability to be flexible when working is ideal when working as part of a team. If you are working on a project that has multiple collaborators, being able to sit beside them to communicate can boost productivity.

Being in close contact when working together can also speed up the creative process. It helps individuals become more immersed in what they’re doing. Hot-desking tends to improve the working relationship as employees get to spend time sitting next to everyone in the workspace, instead of just a few people as they would in traditional working environments.

Hot Desking is Flexible and Mobile

Hot desking is a futuristic way of working which promotes a more innovative feel within the office. Any business that promotes hot desking tends to be viewed as more flexible. Hot desking goes hand in hand with working from home and employees are given a laptop to work from instead of a PC which limits mobility.

By working from a laptop, employees can reap the benefits of hot-desking and also working remotely if necessary. Laptops can also be used during meetings if employees need to travel to see the client. Hot-desking also space saves as it eliminates the need for static desk space where employees are stuck in one place.

Hot Desking Disadvantages

For all the hype about hot-desking and its place in the modern office, there are reasons why traditional desk use still occurs in many companies. There can be some cons of hot-desking and this way of working which could discourage employers from taking the plunge.

Is It Disruptive?

When working in a space where people are often moving around, there is a question of whether it can become disruptive. With team members shifting around the office, it has the potential to be distracting with excessive noise and chatter.

Employees need to be aware of the effect that working on a group project can have on others in the room. Employers should consider having specific breakout spaces or a specific meeting room for group work. This allows team chat and discussion to be away from those focusing in silence.

Lack of Personalised Area

Most people who work in a traditional office love to decorate their personal space with photos of loved ones, books, stationery and other decors which can make work feel more homely. With hot-desking, you do lose out on the ability to personalise your space. The team may feel they need a safe place to keep their personal items within the office such as a drawer or shelf space. Office design is essential, so always ensure your employees have an allocated area just for them.

Hot Desking Advantages and Disadvantages Conclusion

We hope you’ve enjoyed our blog on hot desking advantages and disadvantages. Do you use hot-desking for your business? If so, how does it benefit your company? If you haven’t tried this phenomenon yet, we would recommend giving it a go.

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